Proxmox Cloud Configurable Addons

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Proxmox Cloud Configurable Addons

Postby cherrywoodtech » 31st July 2017, 10:56 pm

I want to make a suggestion, to your developers, to change the size of the boxes for configurable options in the client’s profile in the Products/Services tab. Currently the boxes only allow you to see up to three numbers. For bandwidth, storage limits, and CPU Weight this limits the visibility, so there have been a few times where we don’t catch the options not being properly setup. If the width of the boxes can be changed to be larger that would be awesome. Thanks!
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Re: Proxmox Cloud Configurable Addons

Postby Joanna » 2nd August 2017, 11:21 am

Many thanks for bringing this aspect to our attention. We are eager to take a closer look at it, but first, we would like to make sure that we understand what boxes you have in mind exactly. Please offer us more details, a simple screenshot will suffice.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Proxmox Cloud Configurable Addons

Postby cherrywoodtech » 4th August 2017, 9:45 pm

Here is a screenshot to what I was describing in my original post. Hopefully this will help you see what I am speaking of. Everything from cpu sockets down to private networks the boxes are just too small.
boxes.jpg (150.43 KiB) Viewed 1641 times
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Re: Proxmox Cloud Configurable Addons

Postby Joanna » 7th August 2017, 3:54 pm

Unfortunately, the boxes presented on your screenshot cannot be easily altered as they are generated by WHMCS itself and not our module.
Joanna Byjoś
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