WHMCS V8.1 Support - Modules List

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WHMCS V8.1 Support - Modules List

Postby Joanna » 7th December 2020, 3:48 pm

Now that everyone’s attention is compelled with the news of WHMCS V8.1 release, we will not waste a single second in our quest to bring each and every WHMCS module into visual and functional harmony with this brand-new system version.

ModulesGarden WHMCS V8.1 Compatibility List.jpg
ModulesGarden WHMCS V8.1 Compatibility List.jpg (16.15 KiB) Viewed 3674 times

To keep our respected tradition alive, we have compiled a convenient list including only those products that have successfully passed all stages of our extensive compatibility tests. Be warned though, should the module is marked in blue below, it is yet to be integrated with the newly introduced "Twenty-One" client area theme based on Bootstrap 4.

ModulesGarden WHMCS V8.1 Support Label.jpg
ModulesGarden WHMCS V8.1 Support Label.jpg (43.33 KiB) Viewed 3018 times

An alternative way of getting fully up to speed on the examination progress is by checking which products have earned the violet compatibility label on our Marketplace.

Be sure to monitor this thread regularly, as we will continue to update it until no module is left behind!

Joanna Byjoś
ModulesGarden Sales & Marketing Team Leader
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ModulesGarden - Unique Approach To Custom Software Development Services & High-End Modules
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