Domain Reseller Module Problem

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Domain Reseller Module Problem

Postby kenby » 14th August 2017, 4:45 pm

We have a problem with Domain reseller module and it's that the module is not loading name servers of the domain under Reseller panel (where our generated module is installed).

As I invested, the problem is that the GetNameServer function is not returning right answer and it's only happen with one of our domain registrar (Joker) and module is fine with other registrars (like OnlineNic), however there is some other issues with other registrars which we stopped using them to use Joker to resolve the issue.

Error which I can see under domain in user profile is :
"Registrar Error
Response body is empty for method: POST"

Is there any help to resolve this issue ?
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Re: Domain Reseller Module Problem

Postby Joanna » 18th August 2017, 11:15 am

As you have noticed, the errors you have encountered are not directly connected with the operation of our module. Although we do not handle any such issues in general, we are eager to take a closer look at the problem and help you eliminate it, if possible. You are welcome to reach our support specialists that will examine your case in greater detail.
Joanna Byjoś
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Re: Domain Reseller Module Problem

Postby kenby » 18th August 2017, 11:27 am

Thanks for your response, it's something related to compatibility of your module to all registrars. also I sent support request and after one month it's still under process, unfortunately you response only one reply per day and your response is usually useless.
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Re: Domain Reseller Module Problem

Postby Joanna » 21st August 2017, 11:13 am

Our specialists still await your attention to the matter of lacking details. You may feel absolutely assured that the issue will undergo complex examination as soon as you provide the complete access data.
Joanna Byjoś
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