DNS MANAGER and cPanel

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DNS MANAGER and cPanel

Postby Remitur » 25th February 2017, 11:02 am

I'm using your DNS manager, and it's great: it works fine and does everything needed.

Only issue about docs: it would deserve a largest "how to", because I understood many configuration details only on "let's try and see what's happen" (and labels on forms are quite cryptic)

But, as I said, it's a great module, and I like it.

I have a question, and would like to get a suggest from you:
- I have WHMCS + DNS Manager, one master powerDNS server (managed by your module) and 3 others slave powerDNS servers
- I need now to add some web servers with cPanel
- every cPanel server has his own DNS managemt system, which use for domain hosted on him; the user can manage DNS through cpanel, and cpanel modify records/zones as needed

The question is: how can i sync the zones managed by cPanel on each hoting server, with my DNS servers?!

That's to say: each cpanel manage his own zones; but these zones, to be effective, have to be copied/sync on my master DNS server ... and how this may happen is not clear to me.
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Re: DNS MANAGER and cPanel

Postby Joanna » 28th February 2017, 9:51 am

Thank you for your valuable feedback. You may rest assured that we will take a long, hard look at our documentation and extend it with more helpful instructions.

With regard to your question, there is sadly no quick way to establish DNS servers synchronization. You can achieve a desired objective by having DNS modules installed on your cPanel server where they operate directly on master PowerDNS.

If, however, this sort of a solution does not suit your needs, you are welcome to join our experts in a ticket and further discuss the possibilities in the subject of your interest.
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