Developer license

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Developer license

Postby tssge » 16th August 2015, 1:03 pm


We would like for it to be possible to get a free development license with all purchases which would be eligible for installation to offline or firewalled WHMCS only. We do some development such as templates and it's a pain to do in live environment because we will break customer facing parts of site many times.

Would this be possible? For example WHMCS themselves provide this.
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Joined: 16th August 2015, 1:01 pm

Re: Developer license

Postby Joanna » 17th August 2015, 9:57 am

You are entitled to receive a free development license for each purchased module. To take advantage of this option, please submit your request through the ticket.
Joanna Byjoś
ModulesGarden Sales & Marketing Team Leader
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