Blesta Versus WHMCS

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Blesta Versus WHMCS

Postby Xarcell » 18th October 2012, 2:41 pm

Blesta is starting to look like a nice piece of software. I'm starting to think it may out preform or become more popular than WHMCS within the next year. Especially with the released of version 3.

Anyone here use both, and which do you prefer?
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Re: Blesta Verus WHMCS

Postby layz » 14th November 2012, 2:52 am

Hi Xarcell,

i have never heard of Blesta up until now, so i had to check it out. Maybe it's the power of habit, but i think WHMCS is easier to use. The price is definately right, so i welcome some competition to WHMCS. Maybe we're lucky to see a price-drop from WHMCS?

So far i'll stick with WHMCS, but who knows, some day i may have to make the switch.

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Re: Blesta Verus WHMCS

Postby » 21st May 2013, 3:43 pm

They've released the beta for Blesta v3. It really looks good, and is getting a lot of attention. It is worth looking at again.
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Re: Blesta Verus WHMCS

Postby CN-Jeremy » 6th August 2013, 7:01 pm

The biggest issue I have with moving to Blesta is the lack of additional plugins. With WHMCS their are tons of plugins that have been developed for it and extend its functionality.

Granted more plugins are will pop up for Blesta as its popularity increases.

Although I have really been thinking about buying a license due to the fact its $99 for a owned unbranded license right now.
Jeremy Countryman :: Cortex Networks LLC. :: [email protected]
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Re: Blesta Verus WHMCS

Postby dinkohrzica » 3rd September 2013, 9:16 pm

There are just tooo many plugins for whmcs....maybe in a year. However, whmcs have lots of bugs and it is a release issue. Recently we had bug where none of our clients could not pay....imagine that :(
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Re: Blesta Versus WHMCS

Postby Piotr » 25th November 2013, 11:26 am

I understand but unfortunatelly we are not able to further continue creating modules for Blesta as we are official WHMCS partner.

However we created one module for Blesta called cPanel Extended For Blesta which we passed to Blesta for free. They adjusted it and now it's available to download from their Forums. If you are interested, please contact Blesta for more info.

There is nothing else we can do.
Piotr Dołęga
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